Well here is Paisley interviewing me on Tonight live about Live n Kickin (first segment) and also some great music by Arimo Teixeira, followed by a look at Reaction Grid with G2 Proto and RobinG2 Proto.
Now.. about Stage Fright. I really need to find a way to get over it!..Paisley was kind enough to send me some of the questions she would ask me and I told her I would read them but I would not write down and read my answers back to her .. but lil-ole-scary-stage-fright-me., I had to go and write down my answers just in case and guess what? Well if you watched the first few min of the broadcast above you know what happened part of the time. Including me bombing at trying to be funny to cover up my nervousness..
Anyone got any good ideas short of seeing a shrink? I really do think it would be fun to host my own music show someday and I love interviewing people but in my state of mind right now I just cant even say hello in a normal way it seems.. And here is the kicker.. In my real life job in the travel and hospitality industry of over 8 years now I regularly do video conference calls with people in the US and over seas and even do some training via video conference and I have no problem with it. Go figure. So any suggestions please comment I don't think I would just jump right into anything but I am open to suggestions.
Thank you.
Scream. Into a pillow if your neighbors are close. TAke a big breath and scream like you mean it. Ideally not over the stream like I have done. :D
To be fair, we had some serious technical problems during Deli's interview. We had to keep stopping and restarting. It would've thrown anyone off. You did great despite the circumstances :-)