Sunday, November 7, 2010

3 min interview with Cosmic Haystack

DD (that's me) Cosmic from the day I first heard you in SL I thought of you as a Banjo Phenom. Why the Banjo?
CC (that's Cosmic Haystack): Let me get a beer brb

DD: :-)
CC: First there was this thing commonly known as the big bang ....oh wait .....tooo far back..

CC: I got on SL cause early in my life i had learned about 3D world simulation in Collage so I wanted to see it first hand. I was on SL and I ran across a group of people called the hobos. While hanging out with them I heard a bass player play over mic on voice. I grabbed my banjo and joined in. SL folks were amazed, they never heard a banjo like that..Cause i can play the (expletive) out on one

DD: You sure can.

CC: Then they told me that people can so shows on SL. They introduced me to people that taught me how and what to get to make it happen..

DD: ok ok. We know that part already,  this is a 3 min interview.. next question.
CC: No I will not marry you.

DD: I dont date musicians.
CC: :)O

DD: If it wasn't the Banjo.. what would be your next choice as a instrument to master?
CC: It would be the piano.

DD: What is your favorite song of all time and by who?
CC: Here is a link to my favorite song of all time.. it's soooo about love.. god I think love is sooo kool.

DD: What is the name of the band your playing with now..and where can people catch you?
CC: Bluegrass Buzzards. We only play SL. Every Wed at the Good Vibe Accoustic Lounge
5:30 to 7:00PM SLT (PST) includes Tony Myers on Mandolin, Matt Phelps on the Guitar, Dennis Tally on Bass and me on Banjo. All band members tour with famous bands except me. We donate all Tips to Matt cause he just had a baby.

Cosmic's Website...

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Dexter on the "Timeless" Video Tonight Live with Paisley Beebe

Here is a clip of Paisley Beebe Interviewing Dexter Morph Ihnen on Tonight Live including the Exclusive Debut of his new video filmed in RL and SL (on Live n Kickin) Grammy Award Winning Producer John Hudson is behind Dexter on this project check it out...

Friday, September 17, 2010

I just wanted to share...

This is a documentary about Townes VanZandt (who I never heard of before I saw it)  who wrote songs recorded by Emmylou Harris and Willie Nelson among others.  What a legendary songwriter he was..  The film description says.. "Perhaps one of the most underrated songwriters of the last century, Be Here To Love Me chronicles the fascinating and often turbulent life of Townes Van Zandt with a simple unpredictability that mimics the way the artist lived his short life."

Watch more free documentaries

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Kimlenswomanphotographer Writer on Tonight Live With Paisley Beebe

I actually Started this Post about Kims latest exhibit Comic Con 2010 San Diego in SecondLife on my Wordpress Blog (where I currently cant embed Treet Video but Wordpress is working on that)
You can read it here. Then come back and watch this clip its fascinating...

Saturday, July 24, 2010

3 Minute Interview with Obeloinkment Wrigglesworth

DD:( thats me) 3 minute interview with Obeloinkment Wrigglesworth (OW) starts now!

DD: What is the most unusual place or situation youve played at in 1st and 2nd Life?

OW: Well in first life I've played a variety of strange places, my band, Aftergrass is sorta known for throwing these wild outdoor shows in strange places (the edge of Canyonlands National Park in Utah, the high mountains of Colorado, on top of houseboats, etc). In SL, the most unusual place I played was Greenie's Home, where everything is built to a scale that makes your avatar about the size of a mouse it was fascinating there, and a great place to play.

OW: But my favorite place to play in RL is around a fire with good friends and some whiskey :)

DD: Your sound is so unique, what are all the different instruments you know how to play?

OW: I play drums, bass, guitar, piano, and trumpet comfortably - almost comfortably: mandolin, banjo, trombone - and of course all the little percussion things that I use in the loops.

DD: great stuff I love it

DD: Name a song or a Movie that made you cry.

OW: Song: El Paso by Marty Robins... Momvie: Amelie
DD: Dont know them but I'll google it!

DD: Do you have a link to a you tube or even Treet Tv video you would like to share?

OW: That's the singer of Aftergrass and I playing at a winery

DD: One last question.. have you ever been to Antarctica?

OW: Funny you should ask.... about 10 years ago I met a guy via Cu-See Me (old video chat app) who was at McMurdo station in Antarctica. We got to be good buddies and I seriously considered doing a 6 month stint there in the hydroponics department.. but then I decided being isolated for 6 months with 125 people, mostly dudes... would be no fun :)

DD: Oh good that wasn't you then.   ..Phew  ;-)

~ Find out more about   Obeloinkment Wrigglesworth here:

Monday, July 19, 2010

Taking flight ..well you just have to see this clip..

I'm still smiling from all the fun and laughter I had while participating in a  Special  Edition Giant Snail Race put on by RacerX Gullwing and his crew to help raise money for Relay For Life in SL on Saturday.  I have raced once before in one of the regular races which are normally giant snails but this one was with Tiny Giant Snails (about the size of a typical avatar in SL) but to be honest I  had a little difficulty steering that Huge Snail Avatar around the  course.

As soon as I tried on my mini snail (and promptly had a Live n Kickin Flag added by Baldi McMillan (who happens to also be my SL next door neighbor) Thank Yoou Baldi.  I was ready to race!  This race turned out to be absolute chaos for me and Treet TV's Cameras which you'll see in the clip below.  I would attribute it mostly to sim lag as there were way more people in the sims than the Linden Labs servers could handle gracefully.

At one point I fell off one of the  rides and I guess the build was at a high altitude in SL and  I found my snail/self falling from above 2000 meters below to what I believe was some kind of Music Event that was going on below us where I briefly saw Harrie Skjellerup (organizer of The Originals) in front of me before a freind teleported me back to the Snail Race..  

Anyway.. this 2 min clip below shows some of the madness of the race  with a priceless shot of one of the boats overloaded with snails  appearing to fly through the forest and off into space.. You gotta love Second Life Sim crossings!  

Watch with the Audio on this is pretty funny..

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

3 Minutes with Tpenta VanAlten (Alan Hargreaves)

DD‧: 3 min interview with Tpenta Van Alten starts now! (for Blog)
Tpenta Vanalten‧: lol sure, can I just grab a drink?
DD‧: hurry
DD‧: clocks ticking
Tpenta Vanalten‧: back

DD‧: Tpenta who is your biggest influence musically?
Tpenta Vanalten‧: I take influence from everything I hear, it's hard to narrow out one. I love listening to all kinds of guitarists, Jon Williams, through to Eric Clapton and Mark Knopfler. I love listening to some of the local talent we have near I live too.
Tpenta Vanalten‧: Everything I hear is an influence
Tpenta Vanalten‧: ..and one had to include Dexter (Ihnen) in "local Talent"

DD‧: How old were you when you first started playing an instrument?
Tpenta Vanalten‧: I was 8 years old when my parents bought me my first 3/4 size guitar in this huge rectangular case I had to carry to school, .. .I vividly recall performing Lilly the Pink with the other third class kids.

DD‧: What do you think is the best thing about doing gigs on second life?
Tpenta Vanalten‧: The best part is being able to interact with people all over the world, and I mean really interact while you are playing. There is great feedback in the chat window. Doing gigs in SL has also made me some fantastic friends.
Tpenta Vanalten‧: I also think that it helps to hone your craft as you can play a lot more often.

DD‧: cool... have a link I can post of you or a something else you would like to share with this interview?

DD‧: Oh one last question?
Tpenta Vanalten‧: shoot
DD‧: Have you ever been to Podunk Kansas?
Tpenta Vanalten‧: No I haven't :)
DD‧: Good your not missing anything

Check out Tpenta as Alan in this Vid!

DD‧: Thank you Tpenta!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

3 Minutes with Frets Nirvana

DD (thats me!): Whos your biggest influence musically?
Frets Nirvana: Right now it has got to be Tommy Emmanuel .....but it is a long list .....Jeff Beck, Jimmy Page, Chet Atkins, John McLaughlin, Django Reinhardt,...on and on .....LOL

DD:What was the first instrument you owned?

Frets Nirvana: Actually a rubber drum pad ....I started playing drums first.

DD: If you had the flue and you had to play one of them.. and if SL could hold as many people as the 1st life venue.. would you rather play Madison Square Garden in 1st life or play a venue in SecondLife in your underwear ?

Frets Nirvana: LOL ......Geez … How Madison Square Garden in my underwear.

DD: got a link to a YouTube I can paste with this interview?

Thanks Frets! Check out Frets at ..

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Philip and M revisited..

UPDATE:  just after creating this post  I found out that Linden Labs had announced PIP is back and the Doodler is done.  (watch the video to see where the names come from.)

With all the talk about Philip Rosedale and Mark Kingdon and whats going on right now at Linden Labs (especially over at New World Notes) (on the very 7th birthday of Linden Labs I might add)  I thought some of you might want to revisit Paisley Beebe's interview with the two of them recorded in San Fransisco at Linden Labs during SLCC 09...  here it is.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

It All Belongs

Most of you that read this blog already know that I am a huge fan of live music and that  I  even produce a Live Music related TV show called Live n Kickin with Paisley Beebe for her Company Perfect World Productions.  Yes I love Live Music.. there is nothing like being at a show whether it be virtually or in meatspace when an  artists improvises or sings a song or plays a chord just a little different because of something he felt or wanted to convey to the audience at just that moment.  Sometimes this can be magic and you wont capture it on  a recording because  naturally the producer wants the recording to be perfect.  ( unless of course its a recording of a "live performance")   then sometimes you will catch those moments of magic as I like to call them.

There are other forms of music performance out there that I really do like that can come in many diffrent forms like karaoke for instance.  In Second life Live Music Circles I do hear lots of flack.. and  even I have been guilty of saying  "oh thats not live music its karaoke".  Well  thats true its not completley live since they are singing to a track recorded or at least licenced by the original artist.   But they are singing live.   And I have heard some people who are amazing singers do this and hey.. I enjoyed it.  I don't think we should discount people who are doing this from the title of live performers.

 Then there are Dj's.   A good DJ can rock the house as good as any Live Musician and I've heard some out there who can entertain in a manner that is just as exhilarating as any live band I've heard.  As long as they are playing material they have licensed and are not stealing the music they use for their performance.. I have no problem with listening to a DJ and considering his performance as "Live".

Before you comment please do me a favor and listen to the Lyrics in this song that inspired my thoughts on this post done by Strum Diesel (rl Sean Kagalis) here becasue as he says..   It All Belongs.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

30 Second IM Interview and Video With Pmann Sands

[23:51]  Delinda Dyrssen‧: ok here we go 30 sec interview (yeah like we can type that fast!)  with Pmann Sands Starts now!
[23:52]  Delinda Dyrssen‧: Pmann whos playing on the track in this video? Anyone else besides you?
[23:53]  Pmann Sands‧: Yes, the bed tracks were recorded in Vancouver, Jamie Bowers, Doug Coleman and myself did all the tracks, Jamie did bass I did guitar and vocals.
[23:53]  Pmann Sands‧: Doug is the lead singer in my rl Band Saint Eves
[23:54]  Delinda Dyrssen‧: great! Did you write the Lyrics and Music?
[23:55]  Pmann Sands‧: Yes, Doug and I wrote the song
[23:56]  Delinda Dyrssen‧: cool whats the link to  for your music on the web?
[23:56]  Pmann Sands‧:
[23:57]  Delinda Dyrssen‧: Thanks Pmann Times up!  lets check out the Video!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Been a while since you went to a Tonight Live Episode or never been?

Most of you who know me know that I work for Perfect World Productions which produces Live n Kickin, Fabulous Fashion with Angie Mornington and of course Tonight Live with Paisley Beebe. Im just putting the word out because I remember when I first found out about this SL TV Talk show my curiosity took me to see it and its been a part of my second life Sunday Eve's ever since (I was a fan of the show for many months before Paisley invited me and I ended up working there) I just want to invite all of you to check out the show, check out the guests the music and just the fun of attneding a live show and if you really cant come in to Second Life at 6PM on a sunday you can watch live on the web and still be a prt of the fun witht he new Live chat feature where you can not only chat with some of the produciont crew live.. but also about what your seeing on the show with other fans check that out here... about 6PM PST on Sunday Nights.. also you can watch the replays here There is something for everyone in awide range pof topics I could not even begin to list here you just have to check it out for yourself.

This Sunday (March 28,10) on Tonight Live is DB Bailey is David Denton Architect in RL. He is based in Southern California and first started building in SL about three years ago. ... Two years ago he was working in collaboration with PUD Consultants in Cairo on a mixed-use project to be built in Egypt. Dr. Amr Attia of PUD Consultants and David decided that despite the size of the project, they would try designing the building in SL. Dr. Attia teaches architecture and planning at Ain Shams University in Cairo. More here..

Shannon Oherlihy is a beautiful Folk Style musician. After 12 years Hiatus she through her experiences here in Second Life, has started writing music again, and what a treet that is. At Shannon’s shows you will find a dedicated following of fans and Shannon will be entertaining them with tunes new and old from both well known Folk musicians and writers to her own incredible originals. You won’t be disappointed with Shannon she is the real deal!

P.J Trenton has a passion for Photography both in real life and in Second Life. looking at recent examples of his work at his recent exhibition in the Tricia Aferdita Gallery here in Second Life you could be forgiven for thinking his photography is in fact oil on canvas.   More here

Wanna come see the show taped live?.. try and arrive by about 10 Mins to 6pm  PST to get a good seat.. turn on your music stream and just relax and enjoy the show.. heres the location...

In the meantime.. here's last weeks show.. I hope you like it as much as I did!

Monday, March 8, 2010

My two favorite Divas - Interview each other!

Both of these are from a while back but definitely worth revisting..  First Phaylen Fairchild of Divas fame interviewed the "Jazz Diva" Paisley Beebe of Tonight Live with Paisley Beebe (the boss lady) in one of her podcasts.  Listen here..

a few months later Paisley interviewed Phaylen for the first time on her show... Enjoy!

Friday, February 19, 2010

The Lohners playing a festival in the Outback on Live n Kickin

I would like to dedicate this episode to Autumnfoxx Sutherland.  

Autumnfoxx has been the Director of Live n Kickin from day one. She played a huge part in the creation of LnK by drawing upon her extensive background in the SL Live music world and her experience directing  Tonight Live  and Fabulous Fashion setting a standard and a completely new format for directing this kind of show. 

She recently left her position as Director of " Live n Kickin" to work on some new Perfect World Productions  projects as well as continuing to direct Tonight Live with Paisley Beebe and Fabulous Fashion with Angie Mornington)   

Thank you Autumnfoxx for  your efforts in getting this show off the ground, your hard work and sheer professionalism, and most importantly your friendship..  


And now .. Lugg and lacey Lohner recorded live from the SL Outback on Tuesday Feb 16, 2010

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Paisley Beebe interviews ME on Tonight Live/stage fright

Well here is Paisley interviewing me on Tonight live about Live n Kickin (first segment) and also some great music by Arimo Teixeira, followed by a look at Reaction Grid with G2 Proto and RobinG2 Proto.

Now.. about Stage Fright.  I really need to find a way to get over it!..Paisley was kind enough to send me some of the questions she would ask me and I told her I would read them but  I  would not write down and read my answers back to her .. but lil-ole-scary-stage-fright-me.,  I had to go and write down my answers just in case and guess what?  Well if you watched the first few min of the broadcast above you know what happened part of the time.  Including me bombing at trying to be funny to cover up my nervousness..

Anyone got any good ideas short of seeing a shrink?  I really do think it would be fun to host my own music show someday and I love interviewing people but in my state of mind right now I just cant even say hello in a normal way it seems.. And here is the kicker.. In my real life job in the travel and hospitality industry of over 8 years now I regularly do video conference calls with people in the US and over seas and even do some training via video conference and I have no problem with it.  Go figure.  So any suggestions please comment I don't think I would just jump right into anything but I am open to  suggestions.

  Thank you.


Monday, February 1, 2010

My First Virtual TV Game Show Appearance

Since this is the first post in my second Second Life blog I figured that a video of my first appearance on  the Treet.TV Game Show "First Question"  which was first called "Second Question" should be here first. :-)

3 Cheers for RacerX and Crew

The more I watch this show the more I like it! These guys are funny.. check them out..

More at thier blog

Friday, January 29, 2010

Frets Nirvana

Frets was just Featured on New World Notes in Willows Playlist here is a interview with Frets from just last week on Tonight Live with Paisley Beebe If you want to catch him live he will be at The Pocket at 8PM SLT (PST) Friday night Jan 29, 2010   Enjoy..

Monday, January 25, 2010

For Cypress Rosewood

For an electronic musician, instruments and computers are as important as food and water, so when one of SL's most influential and unique musicians has his stolen, it hurts!

Just ask Cypress Rosewood (Tony Gerber RL), whose guitars and computers were stolen on Sunday.  Including irreplaceables, like his Grandfather's 1935 circa.... Kay Kraft Instruments Acoustic Guitar hes had since he was12 years old.

One min life is good..

Next min its not..

The emotional and financial support of his friends and fans can make a huge difference.

One way you could help is buy purchasing music for yourself or as a gift directly from Cypress at Tony Gerber Music and / or  by coming to some events that his friends in SL have arranged  ..
Thank you to Crap Mariner  of  Tunes in SL  for screen shots and Truelie Telling for her help with this post.

Crap Mariner of Tunes in SL  has Challenged all Second life Musicains to simply update thier info on Tunes in SL and he’s contributing to help out Cypress  for each one who does so.. Read details here.

  ~~ Cypress,  if there is anything more I can do to help.. please  let me  know.  Anyone else wants to help out...   please leave a comment and I will make sure and get the info to Cypress.

Here is Cypress on Live n Kickin  in Oct 09'....

Noma Falta at Sturgis --Live n Kickin